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Wednesday, 8 April 2015


So, this isn't actually my first blog. I've decided to start a new. I hated my old blog, the name, the layout, the posts, the direction I took it in. You know when you go back onto your old Bebo and MySpace accounts and cringe so much that you want to cry yourself to sleep because of how much of an embarrassment you are? That's how I felt about my old one, which is kind of sad because it's only just a year old.

Anyway, hopefully I actually stick with this one. The name makes so much more sense this time as it's the same as every social media account I have in the entire world - so I'm pretty easy to find anywhere, and there's limited chance I'll end up disliking it unless I suddenly decide that I no longer like my name.

I'll be finishing university in summer so this will potentially give me something to do with all the free time I have being an unemployed graduate because I chose to do a BA instead of an BSc much to my parents dismay. I'll be posting about what I'm doing with my life, the places I eat, visit, gigs I go to, music I'm listening to, food I'm cooking, clothes I'm buying (hauls are imminent), literally what I'm doing with my life. But I'll try and make it more interesting than it sounds!


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