When people say that university is the best three/four/five/seven years of their life, they're not lying. University has been an incredible experience, one which I will always hold closely to my heart. I could not have picked a better degree which allowed me to challenge myself, as well as utilise my own existing skills. It was the perfect balance of academic research and practical tasks. I've learnt so much and finally have a clearer idea of what I want to achieve in the future.
I've honestly met so many incredibly people during my time here. From my coursemates who have become my best friends; they've been there constantly for the past three years, showing so much support and empathy, to my lecturers, whose genuine enthusiasm for teaching and passion for research drove me to work harder and want to learn and involve myself more.
Living away from home was certainly an experience. Being put into flat with complete strangers and learning to adapt and accommodate to them. It made me grow up. And now I come home wanting to hang out and spend time with my siblings AND enjoying it, rather than constantly screaming at each other like we used to.
I was painfully shy in school. I stuck to who I knew and I cared too much about what people (who were completely irrelevant to my life) thought. University made me realise that it didn't matter. Life is going to be full of people that you don't get along with or don't necessarily care for. But it quickly filters out who you should bother with and make the effort for.
I'm really going to miss university. I constantly woke up really looking forward to seeing my friends and learning about the topics that I did learn about. My course was perfect and I'll never be prouder to say that I'll be graduating with a 2:1 from the #1 school for Journalism in the United Kingdom.
If you're going into university or are still in university. Take advantage of the time you have left. Do extra curricular stuff, don't be afraid to say yes to nights out, see your friends while they're here, spend more time in the library, eat as badly as you want. You only do it once, so do it right.
Im so sad its all over. MISS YOU