I always find that when Urban Outfitters do a sale, they do a sale well. I got this dress from £49 to £24 and I absolutely love it. Although it's black, it's lightweight and airy making it appropriate for the warmer days. It can also be dressed up and down so easily, totally worth the price.
When I fall in love with an item of clothing, I always have to get it in every colour possible. I have the same slouchy UO tee in four different colours...yup. Anyway, you can't go wrong with stripes and this dress is just another piece of clothing to add to my never ending collection of striped clothing.
003. Zara Side Split Striped Dress
I initially saw this in one of Jenn Im's outfit diary videos, adored how she styled it and vowed to buy if I ever saw it. It was actually my friend, Ruby, who spotted this dress so I'm eternally grateful. Again, it's striped but at £17.99 and from Zara, it's hard to say no. I'm sure you've all been there.
I was drawn to this playsuit as soon as I saw it in the store. Do you ever seen an item you really like, take a picture for reference and keep looking at it until you have to buy it? That's what I did with this playsuit. It was a little on the pricey side for me but I think it's REALLY cute. Plus, I don't have any vertically striped items of clothing (you know you've gone too far with the stripe obsession when that's an excuse for purchasing).
005. H&M Jersey Dress
I picked this dress out randomly while I was helping Ruby do some holiday shopping so that I could go into the changing rooms. Both the style and colour of the dress is different from what I'd normally go for but the dress turned out to be gorgeous and ended up looking pretty good on me. It does fall a bit low on the chest area but it's nothing a bit of adjusting won't fix.
Suede is really in at the moment and I tend to buy into trends very quickly. This is no exception. Admittedly, this top was bought mostly for it's material. It's quite possibly the softest thing I've ever felt. I can't imagine I won't ever wear it but if it does turn out that way, at least I'll have it for texture purposes. Yeah, I just read this back and realised what a ridiculous person I am. OH WELL.
I'm really impressed with what's in the shops at the moment. There are some really nice pieces that are worth their money so do have a browse if you're feeling some new clothes.
What have you splurged on recently?
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